How to Check Your Child for Lice

Head Lice in Children and How to Address It

Discovering your child has a head lice infestation can be concerning, but it’s a common issue that many parents face. Here is everything you need to know about these little hair pests.

What Is Head Lice?

What Is Head Lice?

Head lice are tiny insects that live on the human scalp and feed on blood. They can’t fly or jump, but they crawl from head to head in close contact. Lice have a life cycle with three stages – eggs (nits), nymphs, and adult lice. Remember, lice don’t spread diseases, and anyone can get them, regardless of hygiene.

How Does Lice Spread?

How Does Lice Spread?

Lice can’t fly or hop, so they mainly spread through direct head-to-head contact during play or sleepovers. Contrary to myths, they don’t spread through personal items like hats or brushes, nor do they attach to pets.

What Are the First Signs of Lice?

What Are the First Signs of Lice?

Itching is the most common sign of a lice infestation, caused by a reaction to lice saliva. Children might complain about itching behind the ears or neck. Other symptoms include a tickling sensation, irritability, difficulty sleeping due to itching, and scalp soreness from scratching.

How Can Parents Check for Lice?

Should your child complain of excessive itching, you can perform a lice check at home. Set up a well-lit environment or use a lamp. Section the hair into smaller portions. Utilize a fine-tooth comb (nit comb) to inspect the scalp, areas behind the ears, and the neck. Look out for nits adhered to hair strands or crawling lice near the scalp.