35+ Foods People Consistently Make Wrong, and How to Fix Them

This article appeared in www.sneakertoast.com and has been published here with permission.
35+ Foods People Consistently Make Wrong, and How to Fix Them

People love cooking, but everybody has a different method of cooking that they’ve learned by watching somebody on the internet. However, sometimes they realize their approach is wrong or has scope for improvement. Here are some common mistakes people make while cooking and the correct way to fix them!


You always expect something like rice to be easy to cook. After all, it’s a staple for more than 100 countries in the world. But it turns out that some people struggle with even this essential ingredient!


Thankfully, this is one of those wrongly cooked foods that one can quickly learn how to cook correctly. Or if you don’t think you can do it, do what this person did and buy a rice cooker. You’ll get perfectly cooked rice all the time!

Pot Roast

This meal might be nice and hearty, but it takes work. Pot roast is a little complicated as it is, and many cooks need help putting a good one on the dining table. One of the biggest pot roast peeves is the toughness.

Pot Roast

Since it uses the beef’s tough cut, tenderness can make or break your dish. So know how long to slow-cook this meal to get the best out of it. But be sure to put mashed potatoes on the side, so at least something on the plate is chewable!

Mashed Potatoes

Everybody has a different idea of what a good mashed potato should taste like, but bland is not an adjective that anybody would want to use. The trick to a good mashed potato lies in something that has nothing to do with your cooking skills –  it’s the kind of potato you use!

Mashed Potatoes

Russet potatoes are excellent for preparing this dish, and even Yukon golds are good. Pick these up at the farmers market next time before you start prepping your Thanksgiving meals.

Chicken Breast

Undercooked is inedible, overcooked has no fat – for some, chicken breasts are one of the most complicated dishes requiring minute precision. Thankfully, there are many ways to get this protein source right!

Chicken Breast

Using a digital thermometer, aka sous vide, is one of the techniques to get it correct. Investing in a one-time gadget is much better than eating your food wrong every day.